hello world!

16 NOVEMBER, 2023

we're slowly getting there for this website! baby steps are still steps! i'm gonna have to update the blog section all by hand but quite frankly...that's fine

now, being a bit ambitious, let's set some goals, from most to least likely to happen:

    make the front page look nice
    spruce up the art section
    make a section where i can eventually post my comics
    super wishful thinking but i'd love to set up something where you could get an email notif when i update my blog. i doubt most, if any, will care but it'd be fun

i honest to god hope that i can keep up with this and really make it into something. i've been coding since i was a kid and clearly, i'm not that great at it, but it's all about having fun, right?

that's it for now, i suppose

new comic!

29 JANUARY, 2024

finally wrestled with javascript and got my first comic posted. you can check it out under the comics tab!

granted, later i want to keep the page in its place (compared to jumping back up) every time you switch pages

that being said, i'm very happy this is up now!